Everyday Mystical Experiences

Everyday Mystical Experiences

The ways that we have to describe mystical experiences are often impossible to put into words. But we are going to try. Words are limited, after all, but we are not. So, we trust that you are going to understand. Many mystical experiences may have the same threads in common including the challenge of using language to describe them.. For example, a near death experience and certain meditative states take you to another level of consciousness. In this heightened state of consciousness you see more, sense more, feel more, and you become more aware of what we usually miss in “normal” life. Yes, we are talking about Magic. You have a greater awareness of yourself and who you are in the “normal” and simultaneously, you become more aware of yourself as a magical being, not separate from anything or anyone. You become aware that limitless possibilities exist and you can Manifest anything you want. 

You recognize that you are actually Pure Consciousness itself. You are so aware that your senses are exaggerated by 1000%. Your senses are so amplified, it could feel like, (not that we would know), you just microdosed on magic mushrooms. To best describe this state of being we will call it,  Unconditional Love or Maitri, as it is described in Buddhism. We learned about this at Naropa University, the Buddhist inspired university in Boulder, Colorado where we both attended Graduate school in Psychology. At the time, we thought we were learning a theory, but now we are older and wiser and realize that what we were actually receiving was a download about Quantum Love. Quantum Love is beyond words but here is Naropa University’s founder Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s definition: “Look. This is your world! You can’t not look. There is no other world. This is your world; it is your feast. You inherited this; you inherited these eyeballs; you inherited this world of color. Look at the greatness of the whole thing. Look! Don’t hesitate- look! Open your eyes. Don’t blink, and look, look - look further.”

So, what are some examples of Everyday Mystical Experiences?  Signs are a good example,  as they are Divine Winks from the Universe.  And, it’s up to you to interpret them, but often they let you know that you are in alignment and all is well.  Maybe you keep seeing the numbers 11:11 or 3:33 on the clock.  If so, we suggest you “google” those numbers to see what they mean.   Over the weekend Dona saw a Hawk flying above her.   And, it was way more up close and personal then normal, and occurring two different times while we were in writing mode for our book.  Our immediate impulse was that it was a good sign and that we were on the right track.  And, when we looked up the Hawk Totem, we found out that this was true and so much more!  

Here’s our invitation to you: whether you’ve had a mystical experience or not just start by walking out into nature and you will remember. This is just the beginning, there are many disciplines to help you in cultivating the mystical in your life.  Meditation is a path. Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian mindfulness practice for experiencing the void or zero is another way. Maybe you resonate with Yoga. Keto, Veganism, Paleo, are yet additional doorways to interrupt our habitual patterns and open us up to higher levels of consciousness. The key to everyday mystical experiences is to find the practices that resonate for you and to do them.

Dona Morgan and Allison Weliky


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